Sometimes, creating a visual barrier on your property can be a difficult task to tackle. Should you build a fence? Perhaps you don’t like the idea of a fence – or maybe a fence is simply much too costly for your budget.
This article is meant to provide you with a way to create a privacy screening on your property in a cost-efficient… and attractive manner!
We used Arborvitae Green Giants for the privacy screening on this property. Check out the video below to see how it all ties together!
As you can see in the video, even the simplest of touches can make a huge difference! These Arborvitae Green Giants were selected for a specific reason. They will eventually grow together with depth and fullness, creating a visual barrier for the customer’s privacy.
As you learned in the video, they will grow to be approximately 20-30 feet in height with a 7 foot spread – so this particular yard will have a nice privacy screening in the area in which it was desired.
Here’s an added bonus for using the Arborvitae Green Giants as your privacy screen: These plants are evergreens! What does that mean? It means that you will experience the full color, density, and privacy screening year-round!
This also goes for the Red Tip Photinia that were used. They will grow densely, and with a nice height for that corner. Again, it holds the benefit of maintaining it’s beauty throughout the year – as it is also an evergreen shrub. This particular ‘evergreen’ has a semi-glossy red variegated tip.
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