Most basement waterproofing companies will suggest installing an interior french drain equipped with a sump pump when you start to see water issues arising in the basement. Although this makes for a great backup plan, you are inviting water to come in using that method.
This is the outside of the foundation wall. Can you see why painting the interior wall and installing an interior french drain would be ineffective?
Not only are you allowing the water to penetrate your home’s foundation, but you aren’t even dealing with it until after it’s too late – this is called “damp-proofing”. Installing an interior french drain with sump pump, then painting over the wall block will not fix the deteriorating block, remove moisture, or prevent mold. In fact, it will only become a larger problem in time.
Through our exterior basement waterproofing, we will prevent the water from penetrating your home’s foundation entirely. Please take a few minutes to view the video explanation below.
The difference here is that we are dealing with the water problem from the outside – preventing it from entering your home at all!
By excavating down and exposing the house’s foundation, we were able to powerwash the existing block work, patch it up, and apply a rubberized membrane to make the wall water tight.
In this instance, we also diverted the downspouts in the effected area, as well as re-graded the back yard to eliminate negative water pitch.
Other instances may call for an exterior french drain up against the house as well, but because we corrected the grading of the yard – and added a retaining wall which included a drainage system, we didn’t need a french drain here.
For more information on our basement waterproofing services, please follow this link or simply give us a call at 856-931-5475.