In this writeup, we’re going to go over “A Pertinent Remedy To A Persistent Water Drainage Problem”. This client’s property was experiencing water puddling in various areas of their front yard. Lisk Landscape was called in to offer an affordable drainage solution, and we are going to review that solution here!
Because of the water drainage problem, a channel has been excavated to prepare the ground for 4″ drainage pipe & permeable stone. As you can see, we prepared the water drainage problem area by digging a ditch. This ditch will be the bedding that holds the permeable fabric, stone, and drainage piping. This system will ultimately lead out to a popup installed in designated area of the yard.
The above photo illustrates how we plan to carry the water away from the property, and out to the street. Also, it is important to note that as we progress in our water drainage problem projects, we like to maintain a clean work environment so that the customer is a pleased as can be with the end result. The photo shows overturn clumps of grass alongside the excavated drainage channel. This is so that we can replace that grass over the filled hole, preventing any wait time for your grass to return!
We have now installed a layer of fabric, stone, and the drainage piping within the excavated drainage channels. The stone you see will be covered over with another layer of fabric, then back-filled with soil. Once that’s complete, we will replace the overturned clumps of grass, and this drainage water problem is solved!!
Please watch the video below for a more in-depth explanation of this drainage system.
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